描述(Description):  这是一个可交互的可视化页面,其中包括了一个爱尔兰地图,一个柱状图和一个直方图。该可视化页面旨在展示爱尔兰小学在爱尔兰各个地区的分布, 其中包括每个地区男校,女校和混合性别学校的大致分布,以及每个学校大致的学生人数。

This is an interactive ‘dashboard’ style visualisation to enable analysis and exploration of Ireland’s primary schools, including an Irish map, one bar chart and one histogram. The visualisation aims to show the distribution of Irish primary schools in different areas of Ireland, including the approximate distribution of single-sex and mixed-sex schools in each region, and the approximate number of students in each school.
支持的功能(Features):  点击左侧柱状图的bar或右上角的Sex图例的值,可以过滤掉其他数据,同时地图和直方图都会有相应的变化


Click the bar in the left histogram or the value of the Sex legend in the upper right corner to filter out other data, and the map and histogram will change accordingly

The histogram at the bottom allow a brush selection so that it is possible to select schools with a certain enrolment range
设计思路(Design ideas):  1.我选择将三个图尽量放在同一个窗口下,因为当用户选择过滤掉某些数据时,这样的设计可以方便用户观察图表的变化。



1.I chose to put all three charts under the same window as much as possible because this design makes it easier for users to notice the charts varies.

2.Compared with other markers (lines, triangles, etc.), it is more aesthetic and vivid to use "dot" to show the distribution on the map, and it is also more intuitive to use the size of the circle to show the number of students.

3.I chose the cyan/purple colour scheme to avoid the gender stereotypes associated with pink and blue.
Note:  推荐下载演示视频发现该可视化地图的全部功能:下载

Highly recommend to download the demo video to discover all functionalities of this interactive ‘dashboard’ style visualisation:: Download